Thursday, April 7, 2011

The story from the restaurant

Last friday I was working at the restaurant. Suddenly a ugly looking couple came to my table and started to complain. The male screamed that he just found hair in the soup.


  1. I don't agree with you to describe a couple as an ugly looking in your academic writing because I think it is very strong expression to use. So you should avoid it. Besides, there are lots of adjective you can apply to your writing instead if it. Also you have used a wrong article- a ugly it should be an ugly. The story is too short and incomplete. I would like more detail.

  2. I feel the same way with Tenzin. The artice is too short to make an common. You should try harder even you may make a lot of mistakes. The more you write the more you will realize your weakness. When time passes, Your will know how to write correctly and beautifully.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, Kim, I think you did a really good introduction because it could makes me imagine a lot. lol~

    Just tell us what's going on, and your story will become particularly. Good luck!
